
Hannah Dela Cruz, Author of Sourdough Every Day

Hannah Dela Cruz, Author of Sourdough Every Day

“I think I really relate with people who picked up sourdough during the pandemic. I think sourdough, for me personally, provided a lot of structure in my life at a moment when I was really lost and didn't know what was next for me. I would wake up everyday, feed my starter, see what was going on with it, go to the blogs and read about it, and learn something new about it everyday. It was kind of a distraction at the time and also a really great way to have structure in my life at a time that was really confusing and I didn't have any.”

Emilie Raffa of The Clever Carrot

Emilie Raffa of The Clever Carrot

Sourdough taught me….that it’s OK to do things differently…it’s OK to mess up, it’s OK not to have the perfect score on my loaf, it’s OK not to have oven spring somedays. All these things teach you valuable lessons and they take you to the next level. I really think it’s a journey that is ongoing for everybody and it’s so powerful to share with others because you end up learning so much from each other.”