Chris Lem, Home Baker and Pizza Aficionado

My guest today is none other than the godfather of the sourdough instagram community, Chris Lem. I think of Chris as the Kevin Bacon of the sourdough community - we’re all connected and Chris is the central link we all have in common. Chris is an avid home baker and pizza aficionado. For many instagram baker’s, like myself, he’s the guy who’s always there with a positive comment, wisdom to share, and is the first person to come to mind when I think of the Sourdough Community.

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On this episode of the podcast, I talk with long time IG sourdough friend Chris Lem. Chris shares his unique sourdough story and how the IG community has shaped and inspired his passion for pizza and bread over the years. Chris helps me troubleshoot my sourdough pizza dough problems, chooses his “desert island pizza toppings”, and throws down the ultimate cross Atlantic topping challenge. 

Exclusive Recipe from Chris Lem